Another Move
Remember way back on December 9 when I said that we jinxed our project? I don't know which of my voodoo rituals worked, but painters started prepping the week after Christmas while we were visiting my sister in Tacoma, WA. James and I are supposed to pick a paint color out by midweek, and are very excited about the progress that we have seen since getting back to Houston this past weekend. Hopefully I am not speaking too soon, but it feels like we are moving forward once again.
The only downside to this sudden development was how equally sudden we were kicked out of our home. When we moved to Houston we had a very hard time finding an apartment that would allow such a large animal, and this was one of the driving forces behind us looking for a house in the first place. I had heard so many stories of pets left behind in a move because the new apartment would not allow pets, and I never wanted Sebastian to be added to that statistic. Finding a short term rental to take us through two months proved no less challenging, with even apartments touting their lack of size restrictions placing all of the biggest breeds on a breed-restriction list. I then remembered that we have friends who love and support us, and who might like some help paying their mortgage in exchange for a roof over our heads. All but our mattress and Sebastian's crate is in storage right now and we will be living out of suitcases for the next two months, but once we move back to Southmore the floors will be refinished and the walls painted. I am getting good at moving, but am happy and anticipatory that our move back will be the last one for the foreseeable future.
Prepping the walls to be painted.
Post wood filler and pre sanding. A nice effect, no?
If Sebastian could follow us into the loft, he would. New hardwood installed and ready to be refinished. Secret door patched in, holes patched up, looking to be a cool space.